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Snowy Owl

Nyctea scandiaca

Bird of Prey Watercolour Painting

Snowy Owl - watercolour bird painting

Snowy Owl                                                 enlarge

Watercolour on Paper 1993

4 x 6 ins

private collection


Available as a postcard on Amazon and Ebay


A watercolour Bird painting of a Snowy Owl using 

a Photograph taken at London Zoo on an Art 

college trip as reference material.  


Painting Technique:

The Snowy Owl and the tree stump were protected with 

Art Masking Fluid (available from any art store) to keep 

them clean while the background was painted by dabbing on 

Watercolour Paint using a small piece of natural sponge.  


Then the dried rubbery masking fluid was peeled off and 

the details painted in using a fine Sable Paint Brush.

No white Paint was used in this Bird of Prey Painting.

All the lighter areas are the Watercolour Paper itself.


Snowy Owl Fact:

Snowy owls are steadily spreading across Europe 

and are reported to be now successfully breeding in 

the UK.





Limited Edition

Fine Art

Bird Prints










Owls - Recommended Books


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