www.SteveGreaves.com - Photorealism Paintings



Into The Wind


by Tashi



 chapter three

tackle talk one


As every experienced angler knows,

it is your terminal tackle which gets results.


Fig.2 is a simple outline of the parts of our anatomy we shall be

perusing, namely the Ureters, Bladder, Prostate gland, Urethra and

Penis in descending order.


There is no detailed diagram of the kidneys included because,

firstly they cannot be regarded as terminal, they being buried under

layers of fat half-way up our back, and secondly as the anatomy

and physiology is quite formidable, for our purpose, it is best left alone.


Nevertheless we must know something of what happens in our

 kidneys so here goes. The kidneys have a triple function of filtration,

reabsorbtion and secretion. Every minute about 1,200ml of our

blood passes through our kidneys and from that amount, 120ml 

of blood plasma, glucose, salt, uric acid, urea and potassium is

filtered out. At the second stage, that of reabsorbtion, ninety nine

percent of this filtrate is returned to the blood stream along with

glucose, salt, amino acids, Vitamin C and potassium according to

the ever fluctuating demands of the body.


Finally, at the stage of secretion, ammonia is added to the acids

in the remaining filtered soup to form ammonium salts which are

passed back into the bloodstream to keep it comfortably alkaline.


What is left is urine, mostly water, containing diluted salt, calcium,

potassium, phosphates, sulphates, urea, uric acid, creatinine and

ammonia etc., which drips constantly from the kidneys into the


organs of fig.2. Oozing down the twin ureter tubes. Gurgling along

the tunnels and caves of the Bladder, Prostate, Urethra and Penis,

finally jetting into the world in an amber flash.


Blessing the soil. Helping the rhubarb along.



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www.SteveGreaves.com - Photorealism Paintings