www.SteveGreaves.com - Photorealism Paintings
Into The Wind
by Tashi
chapter four
There is no need for me to stress the importance of air. Without our first breath we are stillborn. Without the next one we are done for. Not merely do we know that we must breathe in order to stay alive, but the will to breathe penetrates our being to such an extent that people unconscious unto deep coma will struggle for breath if necessary.
Every schoolboy knows that we must have oxygen from the air to continue functioning. Oxygen is absolutely vital for the release of energy contained in our food, enabling living cells to function and maintaining the independent motivated movement of individual lives. Air entering the lungs brings energy-unlocking oxygen to our cells. Air leaving them carries poisonous carbon dioxide away.
There is, as you have probably guessed by now, another way of looking at air and the will to breathe. We should also consider air and all matter in its gaseous state as something embodying a basic universal principle of movement. Although this idea is very ancient and well known to Eastern mystics it is by no means a primitive one.
Consider: particles of gas constantly on the move disperse in all directions eventually becoming minute traces in the atmosphere.
This total freedom of movement cannot be demonstrated in other states of matter. Liquids can be easily contained and subdued by gravity and whilst movement can be demonstrated in molecules and atomic particles of solids these movements are particular to molecular and atomic structure and appear to be governed by the laws of physics.
Gases however, wander hither and thither "As free as air". Some particles such as hydrogen will leave the planet altogether to be eventually captured by the sun.
Thus, to "know" the element air is to know it as the most potent manifestation of of the principle of movement or Pran energy. We must also recognise as the Yogi does our very deep and largely unconscious will where the intake and expulsion of air is concerned.
If you should wonder where all this is heading remember we are attempting to revitalise and if necessary heal some of our organs, we shall do this by bringing the functions of these organs under more serious control.
Very few people on this planet know what good health really "is". Ask your family doctor.
Good health starts in the mind and is maintained primarily by a healthy will and a plentiful supply of air. We are Psycho/Physical organisms and Mind, the psyche, has the dominant role to play in our everyday health.
The initiated Yogi is very familiar with all this and can perform specific exercises to direct Pran energy to all parts of the body. By the contemplation and control of his breath he is able to bring previously unconscious bodily processes to conscious awareness thereby raising his otherwise vegetable reactions to purposeful healthy function.
www.SteveGreaves.com - Photorealism Paintings